
MOSOP to Ogoni Women: Get Ready for Transformation, Embrace Peace

  • Urges President Tinubu’s Passionate Intervention

The Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP) has commended the Federation of Ogoni Women’s Association (FOWA) for their unshaken support for MOSOP’s current initiatives to drive sustainable development in Ogoni through the operation of its proposed Ogoni development plan. MOSOP urged the women and the Ogoni people to maintain the peace in expectation of the massive developmental transformation.

President of MOSOP, Fegalo Nsuke who addressed the Ogoni women yesterday in Ebubu, Eleme Kingdom of Ogoni expressed appreciation to the leaders of the Federation of Ogoni Women’s Association (FOWA), Eleme kingdom for their sacrifices in the struggle against Shell’s ecological war on Ogoni and for their unanimous support for the Ogoni Development Authority (ODA).

He urged the women not to be distracted and misled by individuals and sponsored groups who strive to sustain the present exploitation in Ogoni  because they are benefiting from it.

Nsuke urged the women to stand against propaganda and lies from the circles that have enslaved the land for decades and have not allowed Ogoni resources to be of any benefit to the people noting that the operation of an Ogoni Development Authority is a clear path to transformation and sustainable development in Ogoni.

MOSOP president Nsuke said the Ogoni people have suffered tremendously in Nigeria and needed to break away from a predominant vicious circle which does not serve the common interest of the people. 

“You are the hope of the struggle, the hope of the Ogoni people but what is happening now is that you are being exploited and manipulated by those who are benefiting  from the present exploitation.”

“They cannot continue to lie to you while you remain poor. We must break free from both internal and external exploitation by pursuing the ideals of the Ogoni Development Authority, ODA” Nsuke said. 

In an obvious reaction to an attempt to manipulate the Ogoni people into unnecessary agitation, Nsuke urged them to stop being victims of propaganda and lies of those who are currently benefiting from their deprivations. 

“Very recently, people have told you lies, they tell you everything about OML 11 belongs to you, that is a lie. They tell you that you should be paid money from an out of court settlement in a suit you were not a party. That is also a lie. They try to manipulate you into a public protest so they can be relevant. That is a manipulation. You must stop being victims of such manipulations and pursue what benefits all of Ogoni”

Nsuke told the women that the Ogoni Development Authority remains the primary agenda of MOSOP at this time and the goal is to transform all Ogoni, ensure a fair proportion of Ogoni resources is committed to development and usher in a new era where the future is guaranteed for all Ogoni and the residents of Ogoni.

While assuring the women of its enormous benefits, Nsuke said MOSOP was unwavering in its commitment to the operation of the ODA.

“We are unwavering in our resolve to pursue the operation of an ODA because when implemented, will drive sustainable development, create jobs, address our healthcare challenges, support improved security, support our old people and build infrastructure amongst others.

The MOSOP leader told the women that the only thing they must resist at this time are the lies and cheats from people who come as wolves in sheepskin. According to him, every Ogoni deserves a good life and that assurance of a good life is offered by the ODA.

“Make no mistakes about it, the Ogoni Bill of Rights and the entire struggle is a reaction to underdevelopment. You can achieve development because development is powered by money and that is what the ODA seeks to achieve for all Ogoni by ensuring that resources are dedicated to Ogoni development” Nsuke said. 

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One Comment

  1. This is what we want to hear from a leader who have the people at heart
    Thanks so much my President
    We all to stand out for our struggle and what our people died for.. Thanks.

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