
Don’t Disturb Our Peace, Ogoni Youths Caution NDDC

The National Youth Council of Ogoni People (NYCOP) has warned the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) against acts that are capable of disturbing the peace of Ogoni. This follows the NDDC’s romance with fraudulent groups parading in the name of NYCOP, MOSOP, Ogoni chiefs and leaders and with which the NDDC has shown alignment in obvious plots to cause crises.

NYCOP president, Theophilus Mbagha gave the warning following threats to the secretariat of MOSOP by one notorious miscreant, Bariledum Yaamene who claimed to be acting on the orders of a fake NYCOP president, Barinuazor Emmanuel. 

Bariledum Yaamene, a native of Yeghe in Gokana local government area, who in October 2018 attempted to assassinate the current MOSOP President, Fegalo Nsuke, had this morning, Thursday, June 20, 2024 in the company of some youths attacked the MOSOP secretariat staff with threats to kill the staffers if they obstruct a funding expected from the NDDC for the said fake NYCOP Youth president and in the process broke a window in the building. The same Bariledum Yaamene said the NDDC will be coming to repair the broken window, a seemingly deliberate calculation for extortion.

Yaamene said Mr Barinuazor Emmanuel had secured funding from the NDDC to make the repairs claiming that the local government council crises of Tuesday, June 18 had affected parts of the MOSOP Secretariat which situates directly opposite the council secretariat in Bori.

Ogoninews sources reported and confirmed that the crises did not affect the MOSOP secretariat and the claims could only have been used for extorsion.

NYCOP president, Theophilus Mbagha warns that the NDDC should stay away from MOSOP and its matters and focus on its intervention in the Niger Delta which over the years it has failed woefully to deliver on.

Efforts to reach the NDDC have been futile and there has been no confirmation of a contract awarded by the NDDC for the repairs of the MOSOP secretariat. 

We will keep you updated on this development.

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